An Oliver Wolcott Library card is FREE!
Litchfield residents and taxpayers can apply for a card in person at the Oliver Wolcott Library located on 160 South Street in Litchfield or online by clicking below:

Please note that when applying online, library cards do not become activated until you physically visit the Oliver Wolcott Library to pick up your card and provide proof of residency. For teens and children, a parent or guardian must sign the application form providing consent.
Out of Town
People who do not live in or pay taxes in Litchfield are not eligible for an Oliver Wolcott Library card. People who live out of town may borrow physical materials from the Oliver Wolcott Library using the library card issued from their hometown library. This is in accordance with State of Connecticut residence and reciprocity regulations.
Because of contractual agreements, remotely accessible digital materials may only be borrowed by Oliver Wolcott Library card holders.
More questions? Read our FAQ on library cards:
Q: Do I need a physical card for library services? Is there a benefit to having a physical card?
A: You may attend events and utilize our services such as our public computers without a physical card. Your library card lets you borrow materials from our physical and digital collections.
Q: Who is eligible to apply for a library card?
A: You must be a resident or taxpayer of the Town of Litchfield to obtain an Oliver Wolcott Library card. You need to fill out the library card application form and provide proof of residency or taxpayer status. A driver’s license or piece of mail are examples of acceptable forms of proof. For anyone under 18, your parent or guardian needs to provide permission for you to obtain a library card.
You can fill out an application online or at the library. It only takes a moment and then your card is valid for three years!
Q: Can children apply for a library card? Are there different rules/application processes for children?
A: Yes, children whose parent or guardian live in Litchfield may have a library card if their parent or guardian provides consent. A parent or guardian must sign the application in order for anyone under the age of 18 to obtain a library card. Otherwise, all other rules are the same for children and adults.
Q: What if I don’t live in Litchfield, does that mean I can’t use your library?
A: If you live in a different Connecticut town, you can still use and borrow materials from the Oliver Wolcott Library. You need to get a library card from your hometown library (the town in which you reside). Then, with that library card, you can borrow physical materials from any public library in Connecticut. Materials may be returned here or at any public library in Connecticut.
Q: Are there “rules” for library cards?
A: All library card users must follow the Oliver Wolcott Library’s policies. You can find our policies on our website at Library card users are expected to return material on time and in good condition. Oliver Wolcott Library is a “fines free” library but we ask that you be respectful of other borrowers and either renew or return material at its due date. Your account may be suspended at all 60+ libraries in our consortium if items are long overdue. You may be charged for lost or damaged materials. Please see our Circulation Policy for specific details.
Q: How often does a card expire? What should a patron do when a card does expire? Can they renew online or over the phone?
A: Yes, library cards do expire. They are valid for three years. When a card is close to expiring, you can renew it by simply calling or stopping into your hometown library. If you live in Litchfield, then you would renew your library card at Oliver Wolcott Library. We will affirm that your contact information is the same or make any updates, then we will renew your card for another three years. You can also reach out to us online at info at for a card renewal.
Q: What if I have a library card and can’t find it, can I still check-out materials?
A: If you have an Oliver Wolcott Library card account, you may still check out physical materials if you have forgotten or cannot locate your physical card. We will need you to provide us with information to identify your account in our system. If you have lost your card, we can give you a replacement card.
Q: What information does the form ask for? Do patrons need to bring any paperwork to the library to sign up for a card? Are there other options for signing up instead of coming into the library?
A: Our online and printed form will ask you to provide us with your name and address. We also require either a phone number or email address. We will also ask you to show proof of residency. Examples include: driver’s license or a piece of delivered mail.
Although you can register online for an OWL card, your account will not be activated until you physically visit the library to pick up your library card and provide proof of residency and for minors, parental consent.
If you are homebound or have another issue that prevents you from physically visiting the library to pick up your library card, then please reach out to us for further assistance.
Q: Why can’t out-of-town patrons get an Oliver Wolcott Library card?
A: The State Library requires that libraries only provide general library cards to residents.
Q: I don’t live in town but I want to access your digital materials. Can I do that?
A: Only Oliver Wolcott Library card holders may have remote and downloadable access to our digital materials. This is based on contractual agreements with these vendors.
Q: Do you need to use your legal name to sign up? (Can you use a nickname or a preferred name instead?)
A: You may use a nickname.
Still not finding an answer?
Contact us at 860-567-8030 or contact us at info at